You love God, but you never feel like you measure up to His expectations. You work hard to serve Him, but at the end of every day, you hear those familiar accusations that once again you haven't done enough. Your friends at church appear to have it all together while you struggle to identify the obstacles holding you back. And often you wonder, “Why can’t I do this 'Christian thing' well? What is wrong with me?”
Please hear me when I tell you, there is nothing wrong with you! God loves you exactly as you are in this very moment. Each and every one of your weaknesses and flaws are the very things He wants to use to draw you deeper into His presence. And you don’t need to have a perfect life in order to live a powerful one!
For most of my life as a believer, I worked really hard to do the right things so that I would get the right results. Because as a rule-following church girl, that’s how I thought Christianity worked. I believed that if I married a Christian man, if I raised my kids God’s way, if I faithfully attended church and labored in ministry, then I would have the perfect Christian life.
But those religious formulas failed to work. Because formulas never work with God. Neither does religion; lessons I learned the hard way, as one crushing disappointment after another slowly imploded every square inch of my carefully constructed belief system.
After wrestling with God through a long, dark season of doubt and unbelief, I began to understand that Jesus didn’t save me so that I could be bound to a system of rules; He set me free so I could enjoy Him in a relationship of love. For so many years, I had been looking at God as a list of requirements and longing for approval. But He had been looking at me as a precious daughter and longing for intimacy. I was striving to earn something that can only be received…His wildly extravagant, unconditional love.
If you’ve ever struggled to measure up to a standard, if you‘ve ever longed to experience the depths of God’s love, you’re in the right place.
Break free from the suffocating bondage of religion and embrace the wide-open space of relationship with Jesus! While this transition may not be instantaneous or effortless, by God's grace it is absolutely possible!
Join me as we encounter His love and practice living with joy in who He created us to be.
The entire Bible is God’s inspired, infallible revelation to man and declares His design for mankind.
There is only One true God, revealed in three persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the Son of God, both human and divine; He was born of a virgin, without sin. He lived the life we could not live and died the death we should have died. He was resurrected from the dead after three days and ascended to the Father. He will return to establish His kingdom on earth.
Man was created in the image and likeness of God. He sinned by acting independently of God. Because of that, man is now a sinner by nature and by choice.
Every person can receive salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.
The Holy Spirit indwells and empowers believers and is given as a seal and a pledge of our inheritance in Christ Jesus.
Our physical bodies will be resurrected. Eternal glory awaits believers in heaven and everlasting punishment for unbelievers in hell.
Every believer is commissioned by Jesus to share the Gospel and make disciples.