Do You Know What’s Even BETTER Than Google Maps?
You may find this hard to believe, but once upon a time, there was no Google Maps.
Shocking, I know.
To navigate unknown territory, our options were either a fold-out printed map or verbal directions from a “local yokel”. Which could be tricky, at best.
“Drive a few miles past that curve in the road and turn left by the big oak tree”. On a road with a hundred oak trees…
The creation of Google Maps has been life-changing! I mean, how incredible is it to always have the convenience of an accurate, reliable guide in your own back pocket?
But we have a much better Guide, even more reliable than Google Maps. A Guide who is always ready to lead us toward our true destination. If we want to enjoy the journey of relationship, this Guide must become our constant source of direction.
Our reliable Guide is the living, active Word of God. But not merely the printed words on thin pages bound in leather. Our Guide is the living Word who was in the beginning. The Word who was with God and was God. The Word who became flesh and made His dwelling among us.
Jesus, the Living Word of God, is our trustworthy, faithful guide. He is the One who leads and directs us by His Word and His presence. The Bible is our connection to Jesus. It’s all about Him, it’s all from Him, and it’s our source for knowing and following Him.
Everything the Word is, Jesus is. And everything the Word does, Jesus does.
Jesus and the Word are light.
Jesus and the Word are truth.
Jesus and the Word are the way.
Jesus and the Word are spirit and life.
Jesus and the Word are alive.
Jesus and the Word are perfect.
Jesus and the Word have words of eternal life.
Jesus and the Word teach and instruct.
Jesus and the Word make one wise.
Jesus and the Word encourage.
Jesus and the Word guide.
Jesus and the Word make the path known.
Jesus and the Word correct.
Jesus and the Word show the way to God’s presence.
(Psalm 25:4-5; 43:3-4; 119:105; Psalm 119:130; John 1:4, 14; 5:25; 6:63, 68; 8:12; 12:50; 14:6; 17:17; Romans 15:4; Philippians 2:16; Hebrews 4:12).
Jesus and the Word are inseparable, and both together are our reliable Guide.
The Word always points to Jesus, yet the word alone is insufficient apart from Jesus. The spiritual giants of their day, most Pharisees had memorized the first 5 books of the Old Testament–Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy!
That’s a pretty serious Bible scholar.
And yet Jesus rebuked these diligent students of the scriptures because they refused to follow in Him as their Guide (John 5:39-40).
They missed the entire point of God’s Word.
We cannot know Jesus apart from His word, but we too can miss the point if we are reading the scriptures for the wrong reason.
How do you view the word of God? Do you see it as a rule book that tells you how to be a better human? A more moral person? Or do you view it as God’s love letter to reveal Jesus and lead you into a deeper relationship with Him?
God’s word is our Guide to knowing Jesus, who is our ultimate Guide for the journey, always ready to lead us toward the destination of His presence. If we want to enjoy the journey of relationship with Him, Jesus and His Word must be our constant source of direction.
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This is Part 3 of a series entitled, Enjoying the Journey of Relationship with Jesus. Click the following links to read Part 1, 3 Ways To Enjoy Life With Jesus, and Part 2, How To Be An Awesome Travel Partner.
This is a great way to view the guidance towards a relationship with Jesus set out for us in the Bible!