How To Find Stability In a Crisis

Last week, I had an interesting discussion with the women in my Bible study about prayer.
In the book of Ephesians, Paul prays two beautiful prayers centered solely on the spiritual needs of those to whom he writes.
As I researched further, I was hard-pressed to find Paul ever praying for the physical or material needs of others.
(See Ephesians 1:15-19; Ephesians 3:14-19; Colossians 1:9-12):
One of my big takeaways was this question: In the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic, what are our spiritual needs?
I can easily make a list of our physical and material needs right now. My husband and I have been praying daily:
For the safety and protection of our loved ones, of doctors and nurses, first responders and all those who are at risk.
For healing of the sick.
For financial provision to those who are without employment.
For wisdom in making decisions with our business.
For wisdom and guidance for our government officials and scientists who are seeking a vaccine and a cure.
But what about our spiritual needs?
Paul’s prayers both convicted and inspired me. When he prayed for others, he asked:
That Jesus would continuously and progressively dwell in their hearts
That they would have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so they would know God better
That they would know God’s great power for them
That God would strengthen them with that power
That they would have great endurance and patience with joy
That they would know God’s love that surpasses knowledge
That they would have power to grasp the depths of God’s love
That they would be rooted and grounded in His love
That they would be filled with the fullness of God
That they would be filled with the knowledge of God’s will
That they would know the hope He has called them to
That they would live worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way
So, what are your spiritual needs?
Make no mistake, our physical and material needs are important to God. He absolutely cares about them, and He wants us to bring them to Him.
But let’s not stop there. And maybe we shouldn’t even START there! Especially during a time of crisis, having our spiritual needs met by our loving Father will keep us anchored to Him in such a way that our connection to Him is strong and stable, and we will not be easily shaken!
I’ve created a FREE printable download of A Prayer for Spiritual Needs you can grab here.
This was enlightening & uplifting, Tammy. Loved it & will share. Look forward to having you speak at CONNECT again when able.
Thank you Dinah.